Hey there! This is the first post of my ✨ new personal website, so I figured I’d introduce myself and briefly explain the intent behind this blog. So…

My name is Oussama EL GHANNAMI. I’m a Project Manager based in 🇲🇦 Morocco, now transitioning to Software Engineering. I’m passionate about programming, technology, innovation, music, and a few other things…

I only started learning programming seriously about a year ago, but I managed to make considerable progress during that time. However, coming into 2024, I wanted to put some more structure into my interests — be they concepts, tools and technologies I’m learning, projects I’m building, or anything else really!

This is why I decided to start this blog, and use it as 1) a tool to document my learning journey, and 2) a platform where I can share my thoughts as well as parts of my personal experience that I think other people might relate to.

I hope you’ll find some value in the stories I’ll be sharing. In the meantime, I wish you all a happy and successful life!
